2022 has been a great year for our team.

We congratulate all our students on their personal achievements, outstanding sportsmanship, grit and determination! You pushed through some extremely challenging race conditions and explored some brand new race venues this season. Well done!

See some our students celebrating their achievements on the PICL Podiums

Boyce Freshmen

Lincoln Clark - 2nd Place Collin Winfield - 4th Place

Big Send at Blue Mountain

8th Grade Girls - Lili Shelton - 2nd Place

Johnstown Showdown

7th Grade Boys- Teague Hunner - 3rd Place

Team Awards Boyce

Parkland Division 2 - 2nd Place

Fair Hill

MS Girls - 7th Grade Tessa Fix - 4th Place

Johnstown Showdown

Freshmen Boys - Lincoln Clark - 4th Place

Boyce Park

7th Grade boys - Teague Hunner - 3rd Place

Fair Hill

MS Girls - 7th Grade Tessa Fix - 4th Place

Boyce Park

Freshmen Girls - Addison Winfield - 4th Place

Big Send at Blue

Team Awards for Parkland Team - 2nd Place

Fair Hill

Fair Hill - MS Girls 8th grade - Lili Shelton 4th Place

Big Send

Big Send at Blue - Teague Hunner - 7th Grade 4th Place

Big Send at Blue

Freshmen Boys - Colin Winfield - 5th Place

Fair Hill

MS Girls - Lili Shelton

Boyce Park

Team Awards - Division 2 - Parkland 2nd Place

Big Send

Teague Hunner - 7th grade boys at Blue Mountain

Boyce Freshmen Big Send at Blue Mountain Johnstown Showdown Team Awards Boyce Fair Hill Johnstown Showdown Boyce Park Fair Hill Boyce Park Big Send at Blue Fair Hill Big Send Big Send at Blue Fair Hill Boyce Park Big Send

Remember our first race of the season? Grinnin’ at Granite was one incredible challenge for our High School students.

gettysburg anna
gettysburg anna2
gettysburg anna1

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